A Missouri grand jury refused to indict a police patrolman in the shooting of Mike Brown, a black man. Now, there are riots and protests happening all over the country.
Darren Wilson, the police patrolman, said in a testimony that Mr.Brown aggressively laid his hands on Wilson while the officer was still in his cruiser, alone. Mr.Brown isn't here to tell his side of the story. I was shocked when I found out there were so many people defending Wilson. It's just hard to believe that Wilson needed to shoot Mike Brown more than five times on order to defend himself. It makes you think he must have had underlying rage. Even if they were both the same race, it's the police patrolman's job to ensure the safety of the unarmed individual rather than put an obscene amount of bullets in him. One shot to the leg would've sufficed. This is why it's become a race problem.
Although some of the protests are a bit extreme they're very necessary. You can't expect people to accept this and stay quiet. We need to raise awareness and encourage people to speak up for those who don't have a voice.
This isn't just about Mike Brown, it's about racism. It's about respecting all life. It's about black kids feeling like their lives matter and are just as valuable as everyone else's. It's not just about one person; it's about the ugly face of racism.
Darren Wilson, the police patrolman, said in a testimony that Mr.Brown aggressively laid his hands on Wilson while the officer was still in his cruiser, alone. Mr.Brown isn't here to tell his side of the story. I was shocked when I found out there were so many people defending Wilson. It's just hard to believe that Wilson needed to shoot Mike Brown more than five times on order to defend himself. It makes you think he must have had underlying rage. Even if they were both the same race, it's the police patrolman's job to ensure the safety of the unarmed individual rather than put an obscene amount of bullets in him. One shot to the leg would've sufficed. This is why it's become a race problem.
Although some of the protests are a bit extreme they're very necessary. You can't expect people to accept this and stay quiet. We need to raise awareness and encourage people to speak up for those who don't have a voice.
This isn't just about Mike Brown, it's about racism. It's about respecting all life. It's about black kids feeling like their lives matter and are just as valuable as everyone else's. It's not just about one person; it's about the ugly face of racism.